Vitamins and the immune system are connected together in many different ways. The immune system is a complex means of defense within your body. Its goal is to stave off harmful infections, germs, bacteria and viruses. It even attacks your own cells if there is something perceived to be wrong with them.
So just how are vitamins and the immune system linked? Vitamins can increase the ability of the immune system to function properly in many different and interesting ways. Different vitamins stimulate the production of certain antibodies and cells, while other vitamins aid in the overall functioning of the immune system and help to keep your body health and prevent illness.
Vitamins Immune System
Vitamin C is probably the mostly commonly referenced when it comes to vitamins and the immune system. Vitamin C can help increase the production of white blood cells. It can also help to increase the production of interferon, a specific type of antibody that covers the surfaces of "friendly" cells.
Vitamin A also has many positive effects on the immune system. Vitamin A can help your body produce both natural killer cells and T cells, which have different functions for fighting off illness and disease. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant, so will help to keep your body healthy and feeling young by combating free radicals.
Another helpful vitamin for the immune system is Vitamin E. Vitamin E helps to stimulate the production of B cells, an important type of cell in your immune system. B cells have the task of producing antibodies, without which you wouldn't be able to fight off any illnesses. Vitamin E is also another antioxidant and can help maintain your overall health and functioning.
The B complex of vitamins can also help your immune system. For example, vitamin B6 can help keep the organs that are responsible for white blood cell production healthy, efficient and fresh.
It's important to note that the B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. This means that you cannot build them up in your body for safe keeping. If you want your immune system to benefit from their presence, you have to have a multi vitamin each and every day so they are always on hand. Otherwise you won't have these useful vitamins when you need them the most.
Vitamins and the immune system will always be linked together, because almost each and every vitamin has some role in keeping the immune system healthy. Not getting enough of any of them can therefore have detrimental effects on your health, both in the short term and in the long term. A multi nutrient supplement containing all of the vitamins, in addition to other natural ingredients is the best solution for maintaining your health.
However, finding a multi-nutrient formula that is going to be effective at supporting your immune system is more difficult than it may seem. It must be easily absorbed as well as contain the vital nutrients that your body needs. This really can only be accomplished by taking a multi-vitamin that also contains minerals, amino acids, enzymes and herbal extracts. Only with a formula this complete will you be able to support all aspects of your immune system.
If you have had little success with vitamin supplements in the past, this may be the reason. If you are serious about developing a strong immune system, look for 60, 70 or more ingredients that are derived from natural sources. Also, look for enteric coated vitamins. This way the nutrients will not be damage by your stomach acid, but rather will be released in your intestines where they can be easily absorbed.
There you have it. If you have a problems with your immune system, you can benefit greatly by taking the right vitamins. Just make sure they are designed to efficiently be absorbed into your body with scientifically proven ingredients.